[Owrinfo] Draft Revisions to Freshwater Wetlands Rules - Public Workshop November 23, 2020

Pena, Traci (DEM) traci.pena at dem.ri.gov
Sun Nov 15 23:46:48 EST 2020

Draft Revisions to Freshwater Wetlands Rules --  Public Workshop

The Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management (DEM), in collaboration with the Rhode Island Coastal Resources Management Council (CRMC), has been developing revisions to its freshwater wetlands rules as required by changes to state law intended to  strengthen wetlands protection and provide a clear and predictable regulatory process that includes permit streamlining.  DEM is hosting a public workshop via ZOOM on the draft rules which have been updated following comments and input received during and in association with an earlier workshop held in September 2019.  The purpose of the workshop is to present an overview of the revised draft rules and provide an opportunity for questions.  The Agency expects to initiate the formal rule-making process later this month.

The Workshop is scheduled for Monday November 23, 2020  10:00 am.

Zoom will be utilized to run the workshop. You can access the meeting using https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85405401189?pwd=YkZtVzlGYlo3cWcyby9Gc2tCSWFaZz09__;!!KKphUJtCzQ!YwAEPZ5nIsBR1WyUZN9Hy7UUGwm8JwiXbfbr8hGhGGV-CGGSmZm5lcrShWEppCaCE4Nqpw$ [us02web[.]zoom[.]us] (Zoom) or via the telephone at 1-929-205-6099. The Meeting ID is 854 0540 1189 and the Passcode is 964538.

A summary of the rule changes and the full text of the draft rules are available on the DEM website at: http://www.dem.ri.gov/programs/water/permits/pn-wetland.php

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