[RIHESPAG] RI Higher Education Suicide Prevention Advisory Group: 4/2618 Meeting Notes, Updates

Rhode Island Higher Education Suicide Prevention Advisory Group rihespag at listserve.ri.gov
Mon May 7 09:03:21 EDT 2018

Hi Everyone,

Sorry to bug you all again but I wanted to let everyone know that I made some corrections to the last meeting's notes (updated version attached here) based on some additional information from the RI School of Design. The updated information includes:

  *   Additional services provided to the LGBTQ population on RISD's campus.
  *   Additional information on the "Healthy Minds Study" performed by RISD.

If anyone else sees a need for additional corrections please feel free to reach out to me directly so I can make the necessary corrections.

Thanks and I hope you all had a great weekend!


Travis Vendetti, BS
Youth Suicide Prevention Coordinator
Violence & Injury Prevention Program
Division of Community Health & Equity
Rhode Island Department of Health
Travis.vendetti at health.ri.gov<mailto:Travis.vendetti at health.ri.gov>

 [http://inside.health.ri.gov/img/logos/blackblue1inch.jpg]   [https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__gallery.mailchimp.com_ece9b1661b3bf3b864a6894d1_images_dfa47766-2Dcdc7-2D410c-2D8b27-2D3ec1b648f360.jpg&d=DwIFAg&c=tSLbvWYfvulPN3G_n48TUw&r=dzyT-xeRX73lG2zc12dRKOniOGA-M_LyRlpOYwzZdxA&m=YTkLoLYqPVF_lVEcqs0NggZJa6YqLSjpxRCRQt0YKCM&s=F-gQokzHrFzXTzqOxHYx1eIbZE2-TesWuIiu8DYlFp0&e=]
This message and all attachments may contain information that is confidential and/or proprietary to the Department of Health, including personal health information, and disclosures or distribution to anyone other than the intended recipient is prohibited. If you believe you have received this message in error, please notify the sender by replying to this email and immediately delete this message without disclosure. Thank you.

From: Vendetti, Travis (RIDOH)
Sent: Friday, May 04, 2018 1:56 PM
To: 'rihespag at listserve.ri.gov' <rihespag at listserve.ri.gov>
Cc: 'Elana Rosenberg' <elana at youthprideri.org>
Subject: RI Higher Education Suicide Prevention Advisory Group: 4/2618 Meeting Notes, Updates

Hi Everyone,

A big thanks to those who were able to attend the last quarterly meeting of the RI Higher Education Suicide Prevention Advisory Group. I thought that the discussion between members and Youth Pride RI was extremely informative and I really appreciate everyone who spoke about the services available for the LGBTQ populations on their campus.

For those who weren't able to attend, please take a minute to review the meeting notes I have attached here for your reference. If anyone who was in attendance notices any errors or missing items in the notes, please contact me directly and I will make sure to make the required corrections immediately.

A few other updates that have resulted during/since the meeting:

  *   At the meeting, I put out a call for any member who is willing to approach their institution's computer sciences/web development/graphic design department in order to ask if they would be willing to help the RI Youth Suicide Prevention Program revamp/update our "Suicide Proof" webpage, which was originally designed to educate parents/guardians about reducing access to lethal means for suicidal youth. You can visit the page at: https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.suicideproof.org_&d=DwIFAg&c=tSLbvWYfvulPN3G_n48TUw&r=dzyT-xeRX73lG2zc12dRKOniOGA-M_LyRlpOYwzZdxA&m=YTkLoLYqPVF_lVEcqs0NggZJa6YqLSjpxRCRQt0YKCM&s=I4Qi0FlcLKIUjgu0xdP2SqRvQHqUCJHsAyXyM7nHxi8&e= . I also received a lot of suggestions on how to improve the page that are greatly appreciated and will be incorporated into the updates. Lauren Fiske of RISD had mentioned the possibility of hosting a "hackathon" event to update the page but in the meantime if you would be willing to approach the relevant staff/faculty at your school about this type of project please contact me directly.
  *   Bryant University has graciously offered to host the next quarterly meeting, however due to scheduling difficulties in August, we will be planning on holding the meeting sometime in September. It appears that the 3:00 to 4:30 weekday time slot works for the majority of members, so please expect it will be during that time period. As soon as we are able to confirm the meeting date/time I will send out a notification to the group.
  *   Lastly, during the meeting there were a few questions posed by members of the group that no one readily had answers to so I want to re-iterate that one of the main goals behind this group is to provide a platform for colleges to communicate around suicide prevention/mental health. Please feel free to post any questions (relevant to our subject matter) to the group using the rihespag at listserve.ri.gov<mailto:rihespag at listserve.ri.gov> email address. Even if no one is able to respond satisfactorily to the question, I will record it and ensure it is brought up in the future for discussion at a meeting at this group or among other subject matter experts who may be able to help.

Thanks to everyone for their time and participation in this group. I'm really looking forward to the next meeting and I encourage any and all members to reach out to me directly if they are encountering any issues around suicide prevention efforts on their campus and would like additional support from the RI Youth Suicide Prevention Program.

Have a great weekend!


Travis Vendetti, BS
Youth Suicide Prevention Coordinator
Violence & Injury Prevention Program
Division of Community Health & Equity
Rhode Island Department of Health
Travis.vendetti at health.ri.gov<mailto:Travis.vendetti at health.ri.gov>

 [http://inside.health.ri.gov/img/logos/blackblue1inch.jpg]   [https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__gallery.mailchimp.com_ece9b1661b3bf3b864a6894d1_images_dfa47766-2Dcdc7-2D410c-2D8b27-2D3ec1b648f360.jpg&d=DwIFAg&c=tSLbvWYfvulPN3G_n48TUw&r=dzyT-xeRX73lG2zc12dRKOniOGA-M_LyRlpOYwzZdxA&m=YTkLoLYqPVF_lVEcqs0NggZJa6YqLSjpxRCRQt0YKCM&s=F-gQokzHrFzXTzqOxHYx1eIbZE2-TesWuIiu8DYlFp0&e=]
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