[Rimarinefisheries] Groundfish Bin 2 application information

rimarinefisheries at listserve.ri.gov rimarinefisheries at listserve.ri.gov
Fri Dec 11 16:06:54 EST 2015

This is a reminder that Rhode Island's Groundfish Bin 2 program is now open and accepting applications until January 15th.

Phase two of Rhode Island's groundfish aid disbursement, the Groundfish Disaster Economic Assistance Program, provides direct-aid payments to the captains and crew members who worked aboard the 43 vessels during the same four-year period when the reduced quotas were having the most impact on the commercial industry. It also extends direct-aid payments to the for-hire permit holders who were active in the groundfish fishery during the same period, as well as captains and crew associated with those permitted vessels, thereby addressing the impacts incurred by that sector of the groundfish industry.

Rhode Island's Groundfish Disaster Economic Assistance program addresses the restoration and sustainability of the State's commercial groundfish industry by also providing direct aid for the administration of RI-based sectors, which play a central role in the management program and are in need of financial support to remain viable. It is the goal of this disaster aid to ensure the needs and interests of the groundfish community are being met so that we can promote long-term stability in the Rhode Island commercial fishing industry.

Additional information and applications can be found online at www.dem.ri.gov/groundfish.htm<http://www.dem.ri.gov/groundfish.htm>. Interested applicants should contact the program administrator, Amy MacKown, at 401-782-4492 or amy.mackown at dem.ri.gov<mailto:amy.mackown at dem.ri.gov>. The deadline to submit an application is January 15th.

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