[Rimarinefisheries] Regulation amendments

rimarinefisheries at listserve.ri.gov rimarinefisheries at listserve.ri.gov
Mon Nov 2 09:38:25 EST 2015


Several amendments to the RI Marine Fisheries regulations (RIMFR) were filed as a result of the public hearing held on September 21st, 2015, and RI Marine Fisheries Council meeting held on October 5th.  These regulations will become effective on November 18, 2015.  In summary, the amendments are as follows:

RIMFR - Commercial and Recreational Saltwater Fishing Licensing Regulations: .

*         Section 6.1-10: Exit/entry ratios for quahaug and soft-shell clam endorsement;

*         Section 6.2-1:  Procedures for adopting Sector Management Plans:

*         Sections 5, 6.7-3, and 6.8-5:  Date for submittal of Student Shellfish licenses.

RIMFR - Aquaculture Marine Species in Rhode Island Waters:

*         Section 7:  New and amended definitions;

*         Section 8.0:  Clarify and update permitting and application submission requirements;

*         Section 9.2:  Clarify submission requirements for the shipment and importation of shellfish seed;

*         Section 9.8:  Reduction in time period requirement for the harvest of shellfish transferred from other than approved waters as seed;

*         Section 11.1:  Update tagging requirements;

*         Entire regulation:  General editing.

RIMFR - Lobsters, Crabs, and other Crustaceans:

*         Sections 8.4.3 and 8.4.10:  To correct the minimum escape vent size and season closure dates for LCMA 4 for consistency with the federal management plan.

RIMFR - Shellfish:

*         Section 13.9.2:  Extension of the moratorium of oyster harvest in the Bissel Cove/Fox Island Shellfish Management Area;

*         Section 13.5, 13.9, and 13.11:  Winter shellfish harvest schedules in Greenwich Bay, Bissel Cove/Fox Island, and Bristol Harbor Shellfish Management Areas.

The Directors decision document can be found at:  http://www.dem.ri.gov/programs/bnatres/fishwild/pdf/dir102815.pdf

For a Summary of Changes to the RI Marine Fisheries Regulations, when posted, click here:

The regulations can be viewed in their entirety when posted at the DEM/DFW Marine Fisheries web site.

Thank you
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