[Rimarinefisheries] Resilient Fisheries RI February workshops

rimarinefisheries at listserve.ri.gov rimarinefisheries at listserve.ri.gov
Thu Feb 2 16:39:55 EST 2017

The Resilient Fisheries RI<http://www.resilientfisheriesri.org/> project has asked us to pass along a schedule of February workshops, one of which has a connection to DEM. For more information, you may contact Sarah Schumann (project coordinator) at ResilientFisheriesRI at gmail.com <mailto:ResilientFisheriesRI at gmail.com>

What's going on with black sea bass?<https://www.eventbrite.com/e/ri-fisheries-in-a-changing-climate-focus-on-black-sea-bass-tickets-30343392905>

Tue, February 7, 2017
4:00 PM – 6:00 PM EST
Commercial Fisheries Center
URI East Farm, Kingston, RI

The recent explosion of the black sea bass population in Southern New England offers a learnable moment about how science and management must adapt to changing ecosystems. The workshop will be led by Thomas Heimann of the Commercial Fisheries Research Foundation and Jason McNamee from the Department of Environmental Management, who will talk about data gaps in black sea bass assessments and how CFRF's black sea bass Research Fleet is working to resolve them through sound, collaborative science. Snacks will be served.

Diversity and Specialization in RI Fisheries: Implications for Resilience<https://www.eventbrite.com/e/diversity-and-specialization-in-ri-fisheries-implications-for-resilience-tickets-30405311104>

Mon, February 13, 2017
4:00 PM – 6:00 PM EST
Coastal Institute Hazard Room
URI Bay Campus, Narragansett, RI

According to many Rhode Island commercial fishermen, the ability to be diverse in their fishing operations is a key ingredient in fisheries resilience. However, most say that this ability has been steadily eroded over the last few decades, as licensing and quota schemes, export market orientation, and costs of doing business have created conditions that incentivize specialization. In this workshop, we'll hear from three researchers who have looked at the issue of diversity and specialization in different fisheries. Then we'll invite local researchers to brainstorm with RI fishing industry members about crafting a mini-research agenda to better understand how these trends are playing out in Rhode Island, and how we can think about them in the context of a changing environment. This workshop is open to fishing industry members, members of the research community, and members of the management community.

Presenters (via webinar):
- Josh Stoll, University of Maine. Josh is a social scientist who has done research on the relationship between licensing changes and diversified fishing in Maine and on the importance of "market diversity" in maintaining resilient fisheries.
- Dan Holland, Northwest Fishery Science Center. Dan is an economist who has explored changes in catch diversity among groundfishermen on the West Coast and Alaska, including how changes in diversity may be related to policy changes such as introduction of catch share systems.
- Geret dePiper, Northeast Fishery Science Center. Geret has developed measures of catch diversity for the New England fishing fleet and explored how the financial concept of the portfolio can help identify opporunities through ecosystem-based fisheries management.

Planning for Future Uncertainty and Developing Resilience Strategies: A Scenarios Workshop<http://resilientfisheriesri.org/strategic-scenarios-planning-workshop/>

Tue, February 21, 2107
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM EST
South Kingstown Land Trust
17 Matunuck Beach Rd., South Kingstown

The Hartford-based consulting firm Future Strategies Group specializes in helping businesses think through future possibilities and prepare to face a range of different changes and uncertainties. FSG will lead a full-day scenarios workshop to help RI’s fishing businesses think collectively about building resilience into our industry. While a scenarios process is typically carried out within a single organization or business, this scenarios workshop will engage multiple businesses that represent Rhode Island’s fishing industry as a whole — a collection of hundreds of independent businesses that can be thought of as a super-organization. The process will focus on sources of uncertainty that apply to many different segments of the fishing industry, from quahoggers to offshore boats to fuel suppliers to seafood dealers, and everyone in between, and will generate cross-cutting resilience strategies to support the entire industry. All industry members are invited to participate in this workshop, but must apply in advance by contacting the Project Coordinator<mailto:resilientfisheriesRI at gmail.com>. Space is limited. “Tie-up” compensation will be available to participants to offset time taken off work.

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