[Rimarinefisheries] Responses to questions RIDEM has received about the shellfish closures in the upper bay

rimarinefisheries at listserve.ri.gov rimarinefisheries at listserve.ri.gov
Fri Oct 19 16:30:48 EDT 2018

Below are responses to questions RIDEM has received about the shellfish closures in the upper bay.

Why is Conditional Area A closed until further notice?
Due to rainfall of greater than 3" in 24 hours Conditional Area A was closed at noon time on September 26 "until further notice" as opposed to the prior practice of a ten-day closure. During the recent FDA review it was noted that additional data was required to justify the 10-day automatic reopening. Until sufficient data is collected rainfall closures for amounts >3" will result in closures that remain in effect until data supports the reopening.
Data collected on 10/2 was showing improvement after 6 days but then multiple additional rain storms extending the closure occurred.  Sampling was completed on Wednesday October 17 to determine if Conditional Area A could be reopened, results showed improvement but do not fully support re-opening at this time.  Additional sampling is being conducted today, Friday October 19 with results available on Saturday afternoon with a decision by the end of day on re-opening

When will the Emergency Closure Outside Old Mill Creek in Warwick be revised?
The emergency closure was initially imposed due to a sewage spill to Buckeye Brook. While the spill is no longer impacting Conditional Area A sampling has shown that other sources are. Historically watershed sources of bacteria have not impacted shellfishing waters beyond the long established prohibited area of Old Mill Creek. The DEM, City of Warwick, Warwick Sewer Authority and RI DOT have been monitoring potential sources of bacteria that may be contributing to elevated bacteria levels in Buckeye Brook and Old Mill Creek upstream of Conditional Area A. DEM is working to compile this information and determine if the current emergency prohibited zone can be reduced. Additional samples are being collected with the hope that a decision can be made early next week.

RIDEM understands that this prolonged closure has impacted the shellfish and aquaculture industry and continues working to determine if the impact can be reduced while continuing to protect public health.

Additional questions can be directed to the program either by email at:
DEM.Shellfish at DEM.RI.gov<mailto:DEM.Shellfish at DEM.RI.gov> or by calling 401-222-4700 and asking to speak to someone in the shellfish program.
Updates to the shellfish hotline (401-222-2900) will be made as appropriate and shellfishers should check the status of all shellfish waters prior to harvest by calling and listening to the recording.

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