[Rimarinefisheries] Reminder: Oyster Restoration Harvest Moratoria

rimarinefisheries at listserve.ri.gov rimarinefisheries at listserve.ri.gov
Fri Sep 21 16:11:16 EDT 2018

Reminder: Oyster Restoration Harvest Moratoria

* The harvest and possession of oysters throughout Quonochontaug Pond remains prohibited until September 15, 2021.
* The harvest and possession of oysters throughout the Bissel Cove/Fox Island Shellfish Management Area remains prohibited until November 15, 2020.

Enacted in 2010, these moratoria are in place to protect wild RI oyster stocks in the coastal ponds and Narragansett Bay.  Oyster populations are in substantial decline statewide in response to overfishing, and diminished water quality. Oyster harvest moratoria allow for harvest of other shellfish during oyster restoration efforts and is intended to foster healthy oyster brood stock to become established in these areas. Please avoid disturbing restoration sites and oysters naturally occurring throughout these areas.

Report Violations: (401) 222-3070

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