[Rimarinefisheries] Atlantic Shark Institute/DEM - Lost Receiver Assistance

RI Marine Fisheries rimarinefisheries at listserve.ri.gov
Fri Nov 29 14:29:59 EST 2019

Atlantic Shark Institute - Lost Acoustic Receiver/Reward
The Atlantic Shark Institute, a Rhode Island based shark research organization, is asking for your help trying to locate one of our acoustic receivers. All of our receivers were pulled this past week but unfortunately, one was missing. The receiver was anchored in 80 feet of water about 1 mile SE of the Southwest Ledge off of Block Island, RI. It is one of the receivers that detected white shark activity in RI this past summer.

This receiver is part of a collaborative research endeavor between the Atlantic Shark Institute and the RI Department of Environmental Management's Division of Marine Fisheries. Using an acoustic receiver array, the goal is to better understand shark species movement ecology within Rhode Island state waters.

Our suspicion is that the anchoring chain may have disconnected from the mushroom anchor so it is highly likely that the receiver is still attached to 115 feet of chain. As a result, it may have gotten hung up anywhere in the region.

If anyone is able to locate the receiver, please take note of the location and where we can get it and we will be happy to send you a check for $250 as well as Atlantic Shark Institute gear (sweatshirt, shirt, hat...) as a big thank you for helping us find it. It is still collecting data and we’d love to get access to it.

Below is a picture to help you in the event you run into it. All receivers have been picked up so if you see it, it’s our missing receiver!

Thanks again for assisting in this effort and please reach out to Jon Dodd at jonfdodd at gmail.com<mailto:jonfdodd at gmail.com> or 401-862-8002 if you run into it.


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