[Rimarinefisheries] ASMFC Advisory Panels - Open seats available

RI Marine Fisheries rimarinefisheries at listserve.ri.gov
Thu Nov 12 11:14:03 EST 2020

Hello. The following Rhode Island Advisory Panel (AP) seats on the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) are currently vacant:

  *   American Eel - 2 seats
  *   American Lobster - 1 commercial/offshore pot seat
  *   Atlantic Herring - 1 at-large seat, 1 commercial trawl multispecies seat
  *   Horseshoe Crab - 1 commercial otter trawl seat
  *   Bluefish - 1 commercial seat
  *   Spiny Dogfish - 1 charter seat
  *   Coastal Sharks - 1 charter seat
  *   Jonah Crab - 1 seat
  *   Striped Bass - 2 recreational seats
  *   Fluke/Scup/Black Sea Bass - 1 commercial gillnet seat (that targets all 3 species)
  *   Tautog - 1 commercial otter trawl seat
  *   Winter Flounder - 1 commercial seat, 1 recreational seat

The APs represent a group of interested and knowledgeable persons convened to assist in development of a fisheries management plan or amendment. AP members are often solicited to provide feedback to fisheries management boards on public information documents, as well as during the development of fisheries management plans.

For those interested in applying for an AP position, please contact Conor McManus @ conor.mcmanus at dem.ri.gov<mailto:conor.mcmanus at dem.ri.gov>, 401-423-1941.  Please note that many of the open seats are interest-specific. As additional seats become available, the Division will listserve similar announcements.

Thank you.
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