[Rimarinefisheries] Rhode Island Department of State Rules and Regulations Notification

RI Marine Fisheries rimarinefisheries at listserve.ri.gov
Wed Mar 24 08:24:01 EDT 2021

Please be advised that the Division of Marine Fisheries has publicly noticed the following regulation to consider proposed amendments:

  *   Part 3 – Finfish (250-RICR-90-00-3)<https://rules.sos.ri.gov/promulgations/part/250-90-00-3>
Summary of Rulemaking Action:

  1.  Section 3.9.1(F):  Clarify the circle hook requirement for recreational striped bass based on new ASMFC guidance.
  2.  Section 3.15.1(B):  Amend the commercial possession limit for atlantic herring to "unlimited" consistent with the ASMFC Fishery Management Plan for Atlantic Herring.
  3.  Section 3.15.1(C):  Eliminate from rule the requirement for a state waters atlantic herring permit.  Permit requirement was initially adopted to manage harvest of atlantic herring by mid-water trawling, which has since been prohibited by rule in state waters consistent with Amendment 8 to the Atlantic Herring Fishery Management Plan.

The public notices and proposed rules can be viewed by clicking on the link to the rule provided above (go to tab “Rulemaking Documents”).  This is a Direct Final Rule amendment, no hearing is planned, the proposed rule is not expected to be controversial.  If no objection is received, the rule will go into effect at the end of the 30 day comment period on April 22, 2021.
Thank you.
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