[Rimarinefisheries] Meeting Notice - Shellfish Advisory Panel - September 13, 4:30pm

RI Marine Fisheries rimarinefisheries at listserve.ri.gov
Tue Sep 12 14:02:33 EDT 2023

Please be advised that the agenda for the next meeting of the Shellfish Advisory Panel has been updated to include the Zoom link (and is included below).  The ePacket (meeting materials) is updated and available on the Division’s calendar page<https://dem.ri.gov/natural-resources-bureau/marine-fisheries/calendar> (go to September 13).

Thank you
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Meeting Notice

Shellfish Advisory Panel

that the next meeting of the Shellfish Advisory Panel<https://dem.ri.gov/natural-resources-bureau/marine-fisheries/about-council> will be held this Wednesday, September 13, 2023, 4:30 PM.  This meeting will be in-person for Panel members and those wishing to attend in-person, and virtual (zoom).
In person:
URI Bay Campus/GSO
CIB Hazard Room
218 S. Ferry Road, Narragansett

Zoom webinar:
https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83562057514?pwd=UXFWSmd2RjlDR3BPU29UaUlEN1UxQT09__;!!KKphUJtCzQ!IR05lx4d7o15hil5Dgw4qdxUM2T5Gd1txKfG-PAIC_EW4gsXsMSiMVTHVaGoL9PVrLT8endy3g92hAPhsaXVWMsuXdo58MGsKz4UJiE$ [us02web[.]zoom[.]us]
Meeting ID: TBD
Passcode: TBD
Dial in: 1-929-205-6099 (listen only)

Please see the attached agenda for more information.  The ePacket will be available shortly on the Division’s calendar page<https://dem.ri.gov/natural-resources-bureau/marine-fisheries/calendar> (go to September 13).

Thank you.
You are receiving this notice from the RIDEM Division of Marine Fisheries (rimarinefisheries listserve). This is an automated message system; please do not reply to this email.
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If you have trouble unsubscribing, send email to <rimarinefisheries-owner at listserve.ri.gov<mailto:rimarinefisheries-owner at listserve.ri.gov>>.
To subscribe to notifications for rules and regulations noticed with Sec. of State, go here<https://rules.sos.ri.gov/subscriptions/subscribe/all>.  For meeting notifications filed with Sec. of State, go here<https://opengov.sos.ri.gov/OpenMeetings>.

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