[Rimarinefisheries] Virtual Meeting Notice Lobster Conservation Areas 2 and 3

RI Marine Fisheries rimarinefisheries at listserve.ri.gov
Thu Jan 4 15:17:00 EST 2024

Virtual Meeting Notice Lobster Conservation Areas 2 and 3
Wednesday, January 10, 2024; 4:00pm
https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82193235703?pwd=UG53cURHamtwR0FyTEhqNUhpdE5LZz09__;!!KKphUJtCzQ!NIll07RkmfxbwR94SC02qJmwK04nJ4hHvGiWs_biKNHx049Q8wrxb-0IRQJfRVLEo-iz8Njn2Wmb8LvjV97D_3b4dyYj71q2H0-Ww5M$ [us02web[.]zoom[.]us]
Meeting ID:  821 9323 5703
Passcode:  139048
1-929-205-6099 (listen only)

Based on the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission's recommendations, NOAA Fisheries is implementing aggregate ownership caps in Lobster Conservation Management Area 2 and a maximum trap cap reduction in Area 3. This meeting is intended to solicit industry comment on the interim final rule to help inform the Lobster Management Board at the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission.
In summary, the Area 2 ownership cap would restrict most entities to 800 traps, effective one fishing year after the final rule is effective (May 1, 2025). This measure complements the Commission's Area 2 recommendations in Addendum XXI but does not include all of the specific Area 2 measures as originally envisioned.  Area 3 maximum trap cap reductions and a new, aggregate ownership cap with proportionate reductions that would allow entities to own five times the number of the maximum trap cap. An entity with an allocation that exceeds this limit would be capped at their current number of traps and may not purchase additional traps.
The interim final rule can be found at:
https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2023/10/02/2023-21466/fisheries-of-the-northeastern-united-states-atlantic-coastal-fisheries-cooperative-management-act__;!!KKphUJtCzQ!NIll07RkmfxbwR94SC02qJmwK04nJ4hHvGiWs_biKNHx049Q8wrxb-0IRQJfRVLEo-iz8Njn2Wmb8LvjV97D_3b4dyYj71q2P8bxzgM$ [federalregister[.]gov]
For more information please contact Scott Olszewski RIDEM Division of Marine Fisheries, (401)423-1934, scott.olszewski at dem.ri.gov<mailto:scott.olszewski at dem.ri.gov>
Thank you.
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