[YART] Reminder Regarding Performers

Margarida, Danielle (DOA) Danielle.Margarida at olis.ri.gov
Tue Jul 30 11:33:49 EDT 2019

Good morning,
                 I know it's a bit late in the summer, but I'd like to share a few reminders regarding the SRP performers.
If you have a program scheduled that is not funded by OLIS, please be sure to have a check ready for the performer the day of the program. I understand that some performers do not get invoices and w-9s to you in a timely fashion, but please do your best to have payment ready at the time of service.  If it is your library's policy to issue payment after the program, please communicate this policy to the performer ahead of time.
Please adhere to a performer's registration limits. If there are space or age restrictions, advertise and monitor your registration accordingly. Please do not leave it up to the performer to monitor registration and attendance before and during the program. Each performer's limitations were specified at the showcase and on the spreadsheet that was distributed several times. If you have questions about a particular program you may check the spreadsheet at https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__olis-2Dri.libguides.com_SRP&d=DwIFAg&c=tSLbvWYfvulPN3G_n48TUw&r=EJvg2ImHvBYuk6hTA3H1QNw0vEMfg_J4wersMgcqJvo&m=JArdPeIfoqkF6E3kfJq6p-ggHKXOr8cBVOU-MXAiVqQ&s=DZofFP_OjVU1kNawRKrxZA_tHLn7bmHayy-c3fJYFTc&e= .
Finally, please do not rely on a performer to field complaints, fulfill unreasonable requests, or manage disruptive behavior from you patrons. You know your patrons best and are better equipped to assist with potential conflict before it becomes a difficult or uncomfortable situation.

Thank you for your attention to these matters,

Danielle Margarida, Youth Services Coordinator
Office of Library & Information Services
Rhode Island Department of Administration
One Capitol Hill | Providence, RI  02908-5803
Danielle.Margarida at olis.ri.gov<mailto:Danielle.Margarida at olis.ri.gov>
401.574.9309 (voice) | 401.574.9320 (fax) | http://www.olis.ri.gov<http://www.olis.ri.gov/>

[summer slider]<http://www.olis.ri.gov/reading/srp/index.php>

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