[Rimarinefisheries] Regulation amendment - close menhaden outside Narr Bay Menhaden Management area

rimarinefisheries at listserve.ri.gov rimarinefisheries at listserve.ri.gov
Tue May 26 08:27:11 EDT 2015



An amendment to the RI Marine Fisheries regulations will be filed on May
27, 2015.  In summary, the change is as follows:


3.2.1 - This action CLOSES the commercial fishery for Menhaden in State
Waters outside the Narragansett Bay Menhaden Management Area (allows for
a 6,000 pound per vessel per calendar day bycatch allowance) beginning
on 12:01 AM Thursday, May 28, 2014, until further notice.   


For a Summary of Changes to the RI Marine Fisheries Regulations, when
posted, click here:



The regulations can be viewed in their entirety when posted at the
DEM/DFW Marine Fisheries web site.



Thank you


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