[Rimarinefisheries] Reminder: Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction regulations have changed

rimarinefisheries at listserve.ri.gov rimarinefisheries at listserve.ri.gov
Thu May 28 12:43:23 EDT 2015

Please be advised that regulations adopted by the Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction Team and implemented by NOAA Fisheries have changed.


2015 Atlantic Large Whale 

Northeast Trap/Pot Management Changes Effective June 1, 2015

Gear marking colors remain the same and are defined under each individual management area,

however the frequency and size of the markings have changed. Now all buoy lines must be marked

with three 12 inch (30.48 cm), colored marks: one at the top 1/3 of the buoy line, one midway along the buoy line, and one at the bottom 1/3 of the buoy line.

BLACK  - Offshore Trap/Pot Waters -  LMA 2/3 Overlap and/or LMA 3

RED - Northern Nearshore Trap/Pot Waters / Northern Inshore State Trap/Pot Waters - 

Area (LMA) 2 

Minimum Number of Traps Per Trawl Requirements

RI State Waters - trawls including 5 traps or fewer, must only have 1 buoy line.

LMA 2 (3-12 miles) 10 traps/trawl

LMA 2 (12 + miles) 15 traps/trawl

LMA 2/3 Overlap (12+ miles) 20 traps/trawl

LMA 3 (12+ miles)- North of  40° 20 traps/trawl


Northeast Trap/Pot Management Changes Effective July 1, 2015

RED and BLUE - ALL single trap/pot fisheries in State waters will need an additional color marking specified above and adhering to the same size and frequency. The color sequence should be at least a 6 inch RED mark followed by a 6 inch BLUE mark located on the top middle and bottom of the vertical line. This rule would apply to ALL single fish, lobster, crab and conch traps set in STATE WATERS outside of the currently exempted areas of Narragansett Bay and the South Shore Coastal Ponds.


For more information, please visit NOAA Fisheries at:

http://www.greateratlantic.fisheries.noaa.gov/protected/whaletrp/outreach/index.html <http://www.greateratlantic.fisheries.noaa.gov/protected/whaletrp/outreach/index.html> 



Scott Olszewski

RIDEM Marine Fisheries


Scott.olszewski at dem.ri.gov <mailto:Scott.olszewski at dem.ri.gov> 





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