[Webmakers] Fwd: Webmakers meeting, Oct 1

Karen Mellor Karen.Mellor at olis.ri.gov
Mon Sep 8 12:51:30 EDT 2014

I have heard from some people who didn't get this message because of new emails, so I went through the list and updated the people I could.  Some of you may have received messages about being unsubscribed; don't worry, anyone I un-subscribed should also be re-subscribed with a first.last at email.  However, it's not always possible to figure out who some people are from their email, so please continue to forward this to your colleagues.
Please excuse the duplication on the resend, but I wanted to make sure everyone gets the message.

>>> "Karen Mellor" <Karen.Mellor at olis.ri.gov> 9/4/2014 1:43 PM >>>
There will be a meeting of state Webmakers on Wednesday, Oct 1, 2-4 pm at the Department of Labor and Training. 
It's been a while since we've met, so this will be a good opportunity to share what we are working on at our agencies, as well as learning what's new at RI.gov, including their new designer.
Please send any agenda items or suggestions for presentations/discussion items to me at your earliest convenience but no later than Sept. 19.
And please feel free to pass along this invitation to appropriate individuals - there are some outdated addresses in the listserv due to changes in state email naming conventions, not to mention that some people have retired and we don't know who the new webmasters are. 
I look forward to seeing everyone!
Karen Mellor, MSLIS
Office of Library and Information Services
State of Rhode Island - Department of Administration
One Capitol Hill, Providence, RI  02908-5803
(401)574-9304 / Fax: (401)574-9320 
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