[YART] Bob Ross Painting

Becky Farwick bfarwick at newportlibraryri.org
Mon Mar 4 19:57:28 EST 2019

My TAB has requested a Bob Ross painting session as part of our SRP line
up.  Does anyone know if libraries can legally stream his shows and if so
from where?  I've hear Netflix, but I'm not sure how that would work. I
have a personal account, but, to my knowledge, there is no library
account.  I found a number of Bob Ross programs offered at other libraries
over the past few years, but one talked about purchasing rights and another
used a look-alike to lead the class instead of streaming.

I'm happy to do the research (and share the results), but don't want to
reinvent the wheel if someone else has already done it.

Becky Farwick
YA Librarian
Newport Public Library <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.newportlibraryri.org&d=DwIBaQ&c=tSLbvWYfvulPN3G_n48TUw&r=EJvg2ImHvBYuk6hTA3H1QNw0vEMfg_J4wersMgcqJvo&m=4HlveZ_a9wJkCYBQOrOocSIu6fEkf0jxETRcGuumN8A&s=xZABN0EVj6QG9wupOm9tOigPB6crDs1xH22KfiOaERM&e=>
300 Spring Street
Newport, RI 02840
401-847-8720 x206

All for free. All for you.
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